Department hands gender-based violence survivors bright future

Department of Social Development 2019/08/20 - 22:00

Survivors of gender-based violence were glowing with pride at their graduation ceremony last week where they were celebrated for beating all the odds against them.

About 50 women who suffered abuse and ended up staying in the shelters graduated with an accredited sewing course at the 2019 Edgars UNiTE Orange Day Campaign graduation ceremony, at Edcon Retail Academy in Ormonde, Johannesburg.

The Edgars UNiTE Orange Day Campaign was initiated by Edcon on 25th November 2015, in partnership with UN Women, the Gauteng Departments of Social Development and Community Safety, and the South African Fashion Council, in an effort to #BreaktheSilence and to say NO to violence against women and girls.

This flagship Edcon initiative seeks to support women survivors of gender-based violence by developing their skills in the world of fashion design and sewing through workshops and accredited training courses. The initiative is ultimately aimed at allowing survivors to reclaim their dignity and lives and to become self-sufficient.

Edgars Chief Executive Mike Elliott said: "This initiative will result in tangible opportunities for job creation in the local manufacturing market and boost financial independence and enterprise development. Our strategy is to ensure that the women we train are skilled enough to produce garments that can help them generate an income for themselves"

A former graduate and now businesswomen Thatohatsi Molefe said the training enables women to acquire valuable skills, which would empower them to produce an extensive range of garments and homeware products such as skirts, shirts, trousers, evening dresses and dining décor such as table cloths, seat covers and bags.

They also received training on commercial aspects of the industry, such as how to cost their merchandise to make a profit.

"The good thing about this course is that you can stand on your own as women and you can create employment opportunities for other women out there. You should go out and make a meaningful contribution in the sewing industry. Show other women that it is possible despite the circumstances "said Molefe.

Molefe said it takes a strong woman to able to speak about what they are going through and now is time for you to take control of your life.

All 50 women from various shelters in Gauteng were also showered with R500 voucher each from Edcon. The top performer of 2019 Edgars UNIiTE Orange Day Campaign Thembelihle Msipha (41) snatched a total of R1500 worth of vouchers while second and third place both received R1000 voucher each.​


Tags: Gender Based Violaence


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