Social Development intensifies the fight against gangsterism and bullying in schools

Department of Social Development 2022/11/13 - 22:00

The Gauteng Department of Social Development, together with other government departments and various law enforcement agencies engaged the community of Sedibeng in a bid to raise awareness on anti-gangsterism and bullying in schools after the statistics provided by the South African Police Service in the last quarter (April – June) 2022 indicated that Sedibeng is the highest when it comes to crimes related to gangsterism.

The main objective of the event was to create awareness and empower parents and children to take initiatives in identifying the needs and gaps of children in order for them to be part of the solution in addressing the social ills of gangsterism. 

The theme for this year’s event was “Know the early signs to take steps to prevent gangsterism”. This was informed by the view that most children join gangsterism in the communities while living with their parents or guardians and in most cases, parents are oblivious of that, due to lack of information. The department’s intervention will also bring the parents and guardians in the know and at the centre of gangsterism and bullying and intervention and prevention is needed.

Gangs incite fear and violence within communities, in government facilities and threaten schools and children. In order to deal with this social ill, acknowledgement of the problem and a joint community and law enforcement partnership is the best defence by also targeting parents and children. These information sessions are another way of addressing the problem with the aim to create ambassadors of parents who will be involved in sharing with others the early signs of children involved in gangs and social skills. Information and skills will be imparted on the parents on ways to prevent children from joining gangs. 

Addressing attendees at Emerald Resort in Vanderbijlpark, Sedibeng, Social Work Manager for Social Crime Prevention and Gender Based Violence Programme, Nomfundo Kamolane stated that the Department has identified 5  schools with a high rate of bullying and gangsterism in Sedibeng Region. From each school 6 learners who will be the champions of anti-gangsterism and bullying were identified, and their primary role will be to be part of the crime prevention awareness campaigns which will be run in different schools to curb the high rate of bullying and gangsterism in schools.

This initiative forms part of the implementation of the anti-gangsterism strategy which was initially developed for implementation in secure care centres, but it is now rolled out in different communities and currently provides practitioners with opportunities to involve parents at all levels of intervention, while helping parents to understand signs of involvement in gang related activities. 

“Government cannot do this alone, communities must stand together and fight gangsterism and bullying, don’t standby, stand up, stay strong together and be the agents of change” said Kamolane 

Thabang Nyelele a former gang member who was part of the “26” gang took the opportunity to share his life experiences and words of encouragement with the youth that was present at the event. Nyelele indicated that he was first introduced to gangsterism after undergoing initiation with the idea that he was still under age therefore he will be able to get away with crime. Nyelele’s first brush with the law was when he did petty crimes of house breaking, robbing people off their cell phones until the major crime where the victim lost his life at the hands of his accomplices and as a result, he was found guilty of murder and robbery and served time in both Walter Sisulu Child and Youth Care Centre and Bosasa Secure Care Centre, as he was still under age then and later went to Leeuhof Prison.

“I am where I am today because my parents were not firm when disciplining me, I used to get away with every wrong deed, so parents please be firm and decisive when discipling your children” said Nyelele.

Nyelele is currently reintegrated with his family and his community has welcomed him back because he is showing remorse for his actions and is now involved in community work in order to be part of the change he wants to see in his community, his focus right now is to better himself as he also wants to go back to school. 

“I am grateful to God for the second chance in life because delay is not denial”, he added.


Tags: Bullying Awareness Bullying anti-gangsterism


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