Protect yourself and others from COVID-19- 08 July 2021

Office of the Premier 2021/07/07 - 22:00

​Qaqambile Mdledle

It is now a little over a year since the COVID-19 pandemic hit South Africa.  The country is currently battling the third wave of infection, with Gauteng Province being the hardest hit, recording over 10 000 new cases daily.

According to the Department of Health, the best way to prevent catching the virus is to avoid being exposed to it.  

The provincial government has noted that high mobility remained a key contributor in the rising numbers and urged Gauteng residents to avoid gatherings and going out and interacting with people unless it is necessary. 

As the provincial government continues rolling out the mass vaccination programme, it has noted the only weapon in fighting COVID-19 is adherence to non-pharmaceutical interventions by wearing a mask, keeping a safe physical distance and washing hands regularly or using a hand sanitiser.

Gauteng government said people must not do this for government, but do it for themselves, their families and communities.


Tags: Vaccination non-pharmaceutical interventions COVID - 19


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