Social Work Month Series – 4

Department of Social Development 2020/03/17 - 22:00

To many, Social Work profession is grossly misrepresented and poorly portrayed, but to Bethuel Mokoena (31), Social Work profession means having an honest dialogue with people, a passion for helping people and provide protection, support and assistance to individuals, families and children who are vulnerable, in need or not lucky enough to have shelters. It means discussing matters in the complete absence of judgement.


A young and vibrant Social Worker from Bophelong near Vanderbijlpark says he was raised in an environment where everybody had a little hope about him that one day he might reach great heights in life. He says being raised in a poverty afflicted family never stopped him from chasing his dreams.


He said though his upbringing was never an easy one, but today he thanks people who taught him the value of education (his mother and grandmother). He said they made it possible for him to study. “I am a product of government social grant and one of children who literally understand what it feels like to go to bed without food”, he said.


Mokoena remembered how he endured a lot of mockery and demeaning remarks from his peers because of his slow learning ability. “I failed so many times during my school days, I was regarded as a dumb child who does not do school work and a bully. I used to be known to repeat grades but I never lost hope because of courage and resilience in me, and the level of poverty in the family was driving me not to give up.


After passing matric in 2008 I obtained the Gauteng Department of Social Development scholarship to study social worker at the North-West University. But scholarship was suspended in 2011 due to my constant failing”. He said Social Work is a four-year degree but it took him six years to complete.


“I finally completed my degree in 2015 and joined the department in the same year as a qualified Social Worker under Victim Empowerment Programme which I found very exciting. I am so grateful for what the department has done for me and I am willing to impart the knowledge to the society”, said Mokoena. He said all difficulties made him fall in love with social work profession and he started having passion to help other people. “I want to change people’s lives who are growing up fatherless and less fortunate like me”.


Mokoena says every day, Social Workers make unique contribution to society, forming social solutions with those who use services, their families and communities. But much of this work often goes unrecognized or is overlooked because people simply don’t understand the value of Social Workers in society.


He said he regarded the profession as dynamic, challenging and has a lot of problems which need people with courage to deal with social problems which are not one size fits all. “Being a social worker is like to be a hope to the hopeless”, he said.


Tags: Social Work Month


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