Department appoints professional services firm to investigate corruption, fraud at licensing centres

Department of Roads and Transport 2021/06/20 - 22:00

​The Department has appointed Ligwa Advisory Services to assist in the fight against corruption and fraud at the driver licensing and testing centres (DLTC's) throughout the province.

This was announced by MEC Jacob Mamabolo during his Budget Speech as he outlined the Department's priorities for this financial year whilst also laying the basis for the period ahead.

He said "as part of building smart institutions, we have committed to improve our Driving Licence Testing Centres (DLTCs). In the short term, we identified alleged acts of corruption as manipulating and interfering with the Online booking system. We committed to appoint a forensic investigating team to crack this corrupt practice and improve the availability of booking slots. I am pleased to announce that we have now appointed Ligwa Advisory Services to as a decisive intervention in this regard. They just started their work this week".

Ligwa Advisory Services is a wholly black-owned and controlled professional services firm that focuses on niche space value adding forensic advisory services to its clients.

The MEC also announced that 'in the medium term, we are expanding the roll out of our smart queue management solution at all our DLTC's to track real live performance of personnel at every given moment, the performance of the equipment and machinery on a live platform". He indicated that Members of Mayoral Committees (MMC's) responsible for DLTC's have agreed to the roll-out of this technology in their facilities.

In the long term, the MEC added that the Department has "appointed CSIR working with GEROTEK to help us with better solutions to resolve this crisis moving forward. They will be presenting us with a project plan that will see us leveraging smart technologies to resolve this matter. We are working with national government, in particular the Road Traffic Corporation (RTMC) and have brought in the GMA to resolve this matter".


Tags: MEC Mamabolo DLTC Ligwa Advisory Services Frand and corruption


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